
Saturday, 24 January 2015

Wrapping Things Up

As I finish this project, I am feeling pretty good about it. Although I did not have time to do some of things I wanted to do, or go to some of the places I really wanted to go to, I realized how much I actually love Winnipeg. This project has opened up my eyes so much to all of the beauty we are surrounded by, all you have to do is look.

Even though I didnt accomplish all of my goals, I atleast accomplished most of them. I just didnt get to do a photo shoot with my friend and her boyfriend, because we just didnt have time. 

I think that I will continue with photography and try to keep learning new things and experimenting. I also really want to buy a better camera and lens in the near future, they just cost a lot! 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Biblical Through Lines

As this passion project comes to a close, I wanted to talk a bit about some biblical through lines that fit in pretty well with my passion project. Although there are many through lines that could apply to photography, I am choosing to talk about the three that I connected with the most during this project.

1) God-Worshiping 
Worship doesnt have to take place somewhere like a church. You can worship God wherever you are. 
Photography applies to this through line because when you are taking a picture of something, you can take a minute to step back and worship God for who He is, and what he has created. A pretty big thing for me is sunrises and sunsets. I find it amazing how different they are everyday, no sunrise or sunset is ever the same. They are all different. I also find that I am drawn more to them than anything else. But just taking a walk outside with your camera in your hand can easily inspire you because there are so many wonderful things that God has created.

2) Beauty-Creating
We can praise God through the art that we create.
Photography applies to this through line because by taking a picture we are capturing Gods beauty, and by editing it we are creating something new. Photography does take creativity, and we are honoring God when we create something with the beautiful things He has made.
"Creativity is about inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun" You can easily do all of these things through photography.

3) Creation-Enjoying
We can celebrate and thank God for the beautiful world that he has created. 
God has created such a beautiful world and it amazes me to no end. Even just looking at the simplest things like a field or grass or sand is truly amazing. God created it all. And we should enjoy it. Many people say that they hate living in Winnipeg and that its an ugly city. But through out this entire project, from day one, ive had so many moments where I've been driving around and I notice things that I never noticed before. It has given me a larger appreciation for the city I live in. 

Psalms 113:3 
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,  the name of the Lord is to be praised.

Psalms 65:8
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.


So, as I mentioned in my last post, my mentor asked me if I was willing to take pictures for an event at my church on December 6th. I hesitated when she first asked me, and I think she could tell I was kinda scared because she told me I could just have my camera on auto, so I wouldn't have to do anything except press the shutter button. At first I thought I would just have it on auto, but I figured I might as well practice what I've learned. So for most of the time, I had my shutter speed on 1/80, my aperture (or f stop) at around 5.4, my ISO between 3400-6200 and my white balance on the tungsten setting.

I woke up really early that morning to get ready and also because I wanted to research some tips and stuff for taking pictures of kids, and in churches. The only thing is... I didn't end up doing that. I woke up and while I was getting ready I noticed that the sunrise looked kinda cool. I figured I might as well venture out and take some pictures quickly, but "quickly" turned into half an hour. I walked outside for half an hour, my hair literally frozen and feeling in my fingers and toes gone... But I think it was worth it.
I'll post some of the pictures soon! 

After I came inside I had to quickly get ready to take pictures at the breakfast at my church. The children's ministry director informed me of the kinds of pictures she wanted, most of them being close ups of kids with their parents. She also explained what the purpose of the breakfast was. It was just a connecting type thing for parents and kids, and they also learned and heard about the Christmas story. It was actually super fun! The kids did crafts and there was a bouncy castle, and songs and short videos. I took way more pictures than I expected to, and editing them has been a long process because the program I had planned on originally using doesn't work on my computer so I've been testing out new ones.  The only bad thing is that because I had my ISO so high, the pictures turned out grainy/fuzzy. Also, my legs hurt for a while after because I was constantly on the ground taking pictures of the kids. Because they are so small I had to get on my knees a lot so I was on their level. 

Unfortunately I won't be able to post them due to the policy my church has, but all in all it was a great first experience.